Workshops and Cross-Cultural Dialog in Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, with a Special Emphasis on Building Bridges with our Friends in the Survivor Community in Nagasaki


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of our work in various cities, including
Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Extending Our Thanks Part 2

As an addition to Ms. Allen's final gratitudes, I'd like to mention so many people.

 I'd like too thank all the translators who helped me break the language barrier.
-Ms. Okada
-Mr. Sekiguchi
-Ms. Maekawa
-Ms. Kaihara
-Kyoko Toyama
-The volunteer translators who helped at the Youth Hostel in Hiroshima (sorry, I've forgotten their names...oops)
-And the volunteer translators who helped translate our presentations in Kyoto

Finally, I'd like to help thank all the other organizers who helped all of us throughout our journey in Japan:

- Mr. Okimura (Tokyo organizer) who were with us at the Hiroshima youth hostel
-Ms. Yamashita (a key organizer to our successful stay at Nagasaki)
-Ms. Yamada (a key organizer to our successful stay at Nagasaki)
-Koshiro Kusano (a young university student who organized Nick and my workshop in Nagasaki)
-Miki Kenjo (who showed us around two awesome Tokyo museums: Ghibli and Ukiyo-e)

And I'd like to extend my appreciation and gratitude to all the hibakusha who took the time to personally and privately speak with us.
-Ms. Akizuki
-Mr. Hirose
-Mr. Konishi (even though Ms. Allen was the only one spoke to him)

Last but not least, not forgetting one IMPORTANT person:

I'd like to give our heartfelt thanks to Mr. Arihara for setting this all up and being the backbone for our entire trip.

(Ms. Maekawa, Mr. Arihara, and Mutsuko)

Although I know "Thank you"is quite the understatement, I hope it will serve the message of how thankful I am for everything all these wonderful people have done for us.

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