Workshops and Cross-Cultural Dialog in Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, with a Special Emphasis on Building Bridges with our Friends in the Survivor Community in Nagasaki


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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Letter from Japan

Dear Ms Allen,

How are you? I hope this message finds you well.


Well actually I am sure that you are more than very well. Although it might be a bit too early, I believe the New START Treaty is now almost sure to be ratified considering it moved to the final vote on tomorrow. Congratulations!! I had been a bit worried about this due to the middle election result and also to the decreasing support for Democrats. Nonetheless, the Senate made it! To be concise, those who made it are students, who have been supported and motivated by your fantastic educational programmes including this summer trip to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This whole process is very encouraging and important experience for both the US and Japanese students both of whom are making the difference to the world.


I am now translating the English news for the Tokyo students, but will not be necessary because the New START will be a big news on every large newspaper in Japan. Tokyo students and Mr Okuzumi say they are also very happy for this huge step and would continue their efforts with further energy. 


Indeed wonderful news and again congratulations!!



Ryo Sekiguchi, a volunteer translater in Hiroshima

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