Workshops and Cross-Cultural Dialog in Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, with a Special Emphasis on Building Bridges with our Friends in the Survivor Community in Nagasaki


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of our work in various cities, including
Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Start Treat Ratified By a 2/3 Majority of the U.S. Senate!

Congratulations to all of the students and volunteers who believed in the possibility of peace, but also to an American political process that sometimes actually works. To all you naysayers: Sometimes idealism and working for justice is not hopeless. It's only a drop in the bucket, but the world is a little bit safer. Thank you, especially, Pauline and Nick. The world just might be OK because of young people like you.

With great admiration,
Ms. Allen

See the opinion article in the The New York Times about the next steps for nuclear weapons treaties -- tactical weapons negotiations and ratification of the test ban treaty: 

New York Times Opinion Page January 1, 2011

Our beliefs:

• The New START Treaty between the United States and Russia will significantly limit strategic nuclear weapons within seven years.

• Much more effective in stopping nuclear proliferation than just saying “no nukes.”


The Most Effective Political Action: Treaties Between Countries to Reduce Weapons

•President Obama and President Medvevev Sign (100% Support)
•Secretary of State Clinton Promotes (100% Support)
•This Treaty Could Lead to Other Treaties


Our students would focus on a specific issue in our Senate, like START, because it is a treaty negotiated by our president.


Writing officials about specific laws and treaties is how American students learn about genuine civic participation and become active adult citizens who have a voice in government.

特定の法律や条約について、役人・政府関係者に書簡を書くのは、米国の学生が真に社会に参加すること、政府に対して意見を伝えること ができる、積極的な成人市民になるため

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